Just a quick note:
I will not be able to make posts for another week or two. I am really busy with school and creating a thesis with a few of my classmates. My schedule has been so hectic I have to take a break from blogging. I'll be back as soon as possible. The defense will take place next week and we'll have to do revisions the following week. I'll be back soon. Please come again.
Note: To be notified when my next posts are up, you can subscribe using your email, using Google Friend Connect, Google+ and/or Twitter.
Hugs and Kisses. Be back soon
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Accessories, Fashion, Global Pinoy Bazaar, Yabang Pinoy
I absolutely loved the floral design and how the gold accents worked really well with it. Half of the arms are basically gold and the other half was covered in black plastic. They have these little pointed ends with diamond holes. I love the triangles at each side. It gives it a little more flare without making it overly designed.
I got these for only 250 Philippine pesos. They are totally worth it because it looks amazing, but I have no idea how strong these glasses are. I do hope they last for quite a while. I plan on taking these whenever I leave, except when I need to go to school wearing our uniform (that would be a tad silly). Anyway, there was another pair that had a leopard print, if you prefer those over these floral ones.
I am trying to look for the store that offered it, but I can't find it. I'll post an update once I do.
They are form the same stall where the Laurente fashion accessories hypoallergenic earrings were sold. I can't find them on the web though. I can't find their links.
Note: To all my international readers. I apologize if there are a lot of posts that may not apply to you. I will be back to posting about items that may be bought internationally soon. Thank you for your patience. Publisher: Unknown - 8:22 AM
10th Global Pinoy Bazaar: Floral Sunglasses
Hi Everyone!
I'd like to share my favorite item from the 10th Global Pinoy Bazaar (If you don't know what that is or if you haven't read my post about it, kindly check here). The first time I saw it, I completely loved it. It was one of my last purchases. It's my favorite because it looks amazing and it was quite cheap. The only thing I regret is asking for a business card. I was too excited and was simply thinking about wearing it.
I absolutely loved the floral design and how the gold accents worked really well with it. Half of the arms are basically gold and the other half was covered in black plastic. They have these little pointed ends with diamond holes. I love the triangles at each side. It gives it a little more flare without making it overly designed.
I got these for only 250 Philippine pesos. They are totally worth it because it looks amazing, but I have no idea how strong these glasses are. I do hope they last for quite a while. I plan on taking these whenever I leave, except when I need to go to school wearing our uniform (that would be a tad silly). Anyway, there was another pair that had a leopard print, if you prefer those over these floral ones.
I am trying to look for the store that offered it, but I can't find it. I'll post an update once I do.
They are form the same stall where the Laurente fashion accessories hypoallergenic earrings were sold. I can't find them on the web though. I can't find their links.
Note: To all my international readers. I apologize if there are a lot of posts that may not apply to you. I will be back to posting about items that may be bought internationally soon. Thank you for your patience. Publisher: Unknown - 8:22 AM
10th Global Pinoy Bazaar, Homeware
Basically, you can put accessories, finger food, keys and other stuff in this. It comes in three different sizes: small, medium and large. The bigger ones can also be used as a tray. In short, your imagination is the limit. I decided to buy the small sized one because I plan on using mine in a number of ways. I think I can also use it for blog photos.
I was able to speak with the owner's mom. She said it was a new endeavor and that it was for her daughter's project, if I remember it correctly. I was actually trying to pick which one to get, but this was the first thing that caught my attention and I was basically holding onto it while I was trying to decide. After a few minutes of staring, I finally decided to go with this one(I usually have a hard time deciding what to buy). The owner's mom was actually able to notice how this one easily caught my attention. I guess I made the right choice.
Note: To all my international readers. I apologize if there are a lot of posts that may not apply to you. I will be back to posting about items that may be bought internationally soon. Thank you for your patience.
- 8:20 AM
10th Global Pinoy Bazaar: Rustje Decoupage Floral Plate by Lost & Found
I'd like to share another fab find from the 10th Global Pinoy Bazaar (If you don't know what that is or if you haven't read my post about it, kindly check here). It's this floral plate from Lost & Found. I believe its a Rustje Decoupage Plate. Although, I have no idea how to say it out loud, I do know that:
1. It is waterproof. As long as you don't immerse it underwater for a long time, it would not be damaged.
2. It is sort of made like paper mache, although with different materials, and it is definitely stronger and better than paper mache.
(Note: I can't add the differently symbol-ed letter for some reason. It keeps on turning up as boxes.)
3. It is beautifully pattered and formed
4. It is a great gift idea.
Basically, you can put accessories, finger food, keys and other stuff in this. It comes in three different sizes: small, medium and large. The bigger ones can also be used as a tray. In short, your imagination is the limit. I decided to buy the small sized one because I plan on using mine in a number of ways. I think I can also use it for blog photos.
I was able to speak with the owner's mom. She said it was a new endeavor and that it was for her daughter's project, if I remember it correctly. I was actually trying to pick which one to get, but this was the first thing that caught my attention and I was basically holding onto it while I was trying to decide. After a few minutes of staring, I finally decided to go with this one(I usually have a hard time deciding what to buy). The owner's mom was actually able to notice how this one easily caught my attention. I guess I made the right choice.
I really liked how this one was floral designed and shaped. It was unique and it easily my attention. I also liked the way it shines when it is under light. It has a few rough lines inside, but not something I'd probably take great importance of. If the cover was basically glued onto it, that should happen a lot. I guess I didn't mind it because it still looked really good and a little fitting. It comes with several different designs and shapes. If this item lasts, I'll probably get more.
Lost & Found has a lot of other stuff to check out. I think majority of the items were cute and quirky. I think its worth giving a look.
I decided to grab one of their photos from Instagram through Iconosquare for you to see what I mean.
(used an URL to upload it here. they have the rights for this photo)
A photo of their stall from the 10th Global Pinoy Bazaar.
Email: lostandfound.mnl@gmail.com
Instagram: lost&found.mnl
10th Global Pinoy Bazaar, Fashion, Shoes, Yabang Pinoy
Anyway, I asked for my size and I was really happy to see it did NOT make my foot look that big. I have big wide feet (I think some people call it square feet), so it gets hard to pick shoes that would look good on them. I really liked this pair and I simply had to get it. I liked that it had garter around the opening. I think it allowed it to "hold-on" to my feet better. I believe it also helps with making my feet look better for it covers up a lot of space. They are super comfy. I think the seller talked about it having foam inside which allows you to wear it for a longer period of time.
Note: To all my international readers. I apologize if there are a lot of posts that may not apply to you. I will be back to posting about items that may be bought internationally soon. Thank you for your patience. Publisher: Unknown - 8:20 AM
Fashion: 10th Global Pinoy Bazaar: Albert Sumague Flat Shoes
Hi all!
I'm doing another post about an item from the 10th Global Pinoy Bazaar (If you don't know what that is or if you haven't read my post about it yet, kindly check here). In this post, I'd like to share about a pair of shoes that is very cheap and of high quality.
I was able to see the stall when I was halfway through checking everything out. The words "Marikina Made" caught my attention because shoes made from Marikina City in the Philippines is usually sturdy or high quality. I was simply browsing when I thought I'd try a few pairs of shoes on. I was actually trying on a pair of brown leather ones when my grandmother was able to spot this beauty. It's metallic texture and snake-like "design" caught my attention. I like those kinds of textures on shoes and bags. Although, I like them fake. I don't buy real snake or crocodile-skinned products.
Anyway, I asked for my size and I was really happy to see it did NOT make my foot look that big. I have big wide feet (I think some people call it square feet), so it gets hard to pick shoes that would look good on them. I really liked this pair and I simply had to get it. I liked that it had garter around the opening. I think it allowed it to "hold-on" to my feet better. I believe it also helps with making my feet look better for it covers up a lot of space. They are super comfy. I think the seller talked about it having foam inside which allows you to wear it for a longer period of time.
This pair was worth 450 Philippine pesos and was a total bargain. Then again, it was on sale for the event. I believe it costs a little more when normally priced. Is it worth buying? yes. Would I buy there again? Yes, I would.
Email: albertsumague@yahoo.com
Facebook: albertsumague Page
Instagram: asumague
Mobile: 09396091811
Note: To all my international readers. I apologize if there are a lot of posts that may not apply to you. I will be back to posting about items that may be bought internationally soon. Thank you for your patience. Publisher: Unknown - 8:20 AM
10th Global Pinoy Bazaar, Events, Yabang Pinoy
The entrance was worth 100 Philippine pesos. It also came with a raffle, although I don't know what the prizes were. Anyway, I paid the fee and went inside. I came an hour or so later to look around the stall found in the lobby. I was able to receive a few different newspapers. I also looked at this table with "guest list" written on it. There were a few laptops on top of the table facing me, and I decided to ask what it was about. They said they had a list for bloggers and I said I was one. I registered not knowing what it was. I thought they would keep a look out for my blog when I post about the event. I found out bloggers can get in for free. Basically, I had no idea that happened. I asked if I can get the 100 back then, if that was so and they said to ask someone that handled the accounting. I talked to the person who sold me the ticket and she gave me back the 1 hundred and said she wouldn't remove me from the raffle. She was so nice! I was able to buy another item inside because of it. First time I got in for free because I blogged. I started this blog because of my love for sharing, not for perks it can give me. To the people from Yabang Pinoy, I greatly appreciate it.
Next I'd like to focus on the venue and the companies that were included.So, this is where the event was held. It only had the ground floor but it had tons of stalls inside. There were tons of different types of companies that showcased their creativity and talent through their products.
Most of the food stalls were outside. The ones inside did not need to cook their food. Being a foodie, I wanted to try everything, but of course I won't be able to. My grandmother, my brother and I decided to buy one of each from the gourmet food stalls mostly because it had rice and we were to have lunch. I will be making a review for the ones we bought in the next posts.
Note: To all my international readers. I apologize if there are a lot of posts that may not apply to you. I will be back to posting about items that may be bought internationally soon. Thank you for your patience. Publisher: Unknown - 8:19 AM
Yabang Pinoy 10th Global Pinoy Bazaar Part 1
Hello everyone!
I'd like to share a little something about an event I went to a few days ago. I wasn't able to blog about it sooner because I was stuck with schoolwork. It has been extremely busy and I had to do it before I blogged. With that said, I may not be able to blog for a week or two. Although, I will try to put up posts whenever I get a little time off. I actually still have tons of products, food, and recipes to share, but I really do lack the time to make the posts.
Anyway, right now, I'd like to talk about an event that happened last August 22 - 24 2014. It was basically a bazaar that showcased Filipino brands. It is an event that promotes supporting our Filipino made products. According to one of the posters for the event, It is "A celebration of Filipino art and design, music, travel, fashion, food, home and technology." It was the first time I've heard of it and it was only my professor told us to go there.
I am the type of person who doesn't usually buy Filipino products. I am not gonna lie, I am used to buying and wanting products from foreign countries. It's not that I think all foreign products are better, I guess I was just not aware of the brands that came from our/this country. I was not aware of how great these products were. Going to this bazaar was an eye-opening experience. I was in awe. I am very impressed of how creative they were. To be honest, a lot of the items there looked like global products. These stuff usually aren't found in malls and in big department stores and I usually buy my stuff there. While thinking about it, I also wondered how many Filipinos were like me. How many others don't know about how wonderful our products are. I'm guessing a lot. I don't see them, so I don't know about them. I was both happy and shocked to find out about it. I felt proud of my race.
The entrance was worth 100 Philippine pesos. It also came with a raffle, although I don't know what the prizes were. Anyway, I paid the fee and went inside. I came an hour or so later to look around the stall found in the lobby. I was able to receive a few different newspapers. I also looked at this table with "guest list" written on it. There were a few laptops on top of the table facing me, and I decided to ask what it was about. They said they had a list for bloggers and I said I was one. I registered not knowing what it was. I thought they would keep a look out for my blog when I post about the event. I found out bloggers can get in for free. Basically, I had no idea that happened. I asked if I can get the 100 back then, if that was so and they said to ask someone that handled the accounting. I talked to the person who sold me the ticket and she gave me back the 1 hundred and said she wouldn't remove me from the raffle. She was so nice! I was able to buy another item inside because of it. First time I got in for free because I blogged. I started this blog because of my love for sharing, not for perks it can give me. To the people from Yabang Pinoy, I greatly appreciate it.
Next I'd like to focus on the venue and the companies that were included.So, this is where the event was held. It only had the ground floor but it had tons of stalls inside. There were tons of different types of companies that showcased their creativity and talent through their products.
Most of the food stalls were outside. The ones inside did not need to cook their food. Being a foodie, I wanted to try everything, but of course I won't be able to. My grandmother, my brother and I decided to buy one of each from the gourmet food stalls mostly because it had rice and we were to have lunch. I will be making a review for the ones we bought in the next posts.
I would like to end part 1 of this post here because I will be talking about the companies that I thought stood out. I have gathered business cards from them and will be featuring their items in part 2 which will be out this week. I decided to post a few reviews on items I bought from the stalls inside. I will be posting more along with part 2. It's taking some time because I'm adding details and contact information for each stall. All the stalls were good but I will be featuring my favorites.
I will be updating this with the link for part 2 soon.
Yabang Pinoy FB Page: Yabang Pinoy
Yabang Pinoy Website: www.yabangpinoy.com
Global Pinoy Bazaar FB Page: Global Pinoy Bazaar
Note: To all my international readers. I apologize if there are a lot of posts that may not apply to you. I will be back to posting about items that may be bought internationally soon. Thank you for your patience. Publisher: Unknown - 8:19 AM
Thursday, August 14, 2014
5 Stars, Book Review, Books, Colleen Hoover, Contemporary Romance
Hello everyone. I've recently read a book that easily gets 5 stars from me. Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover is absolutely amazing. I was blown away by the two main characters. I just had to share this one with everyone. Perhaps its because I keep on looking for amazing books but this is a second five-star read for this week. I just have to say that after I read the synopsis, I just had to get my hands on it. I have always enjoyed reading books that are filled with angst. I like how books are able to make my heart ache with the characters, as well as make my heart skip a beat when they are all filled with joy. This book screams angst!
Synopsis from Amazon:
Book Review: Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover
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From Goodreads |
Synopsis from Amazon:
"When Tate Collins meets airline pilot Miles Archer, she doesn't think it's love at first sight. They wouldn’t even go so far as to consider themselves friends. The only thing Tate and Miles have in common is an undeniable mutual attraction. Once their desires are out in the open, they realize they have the perfect set-up. He doesn’t want love, she doesn’t have time for love, so that just leaves the sex. Their arrangement could be surprisingly seamless, as long as Tate can stick to the only two rules Miles has for her.
- 5:09 AM
Never ask about the past.
Don’t expect a future.
They think they can handle it, but realize almost immediately they can’t handle it at all.
Hearts get infiltrated.
Promises get broken.
Rules get shattered.
Love gets ugly."
I was so enthralled in the book. Don't look for spoilers! Just read it yourself. I just had to get a breather in the middle of the book. It was so painful to see what happened to Tate. It may not be as 'angsty' as I expected, but it did give quite a heartache for both the characters. I enjoy looking for or thinking of how the characters look. The ones below are the ones in my mind when I read the book. I have Chris as Miles because I believe he had this look that sort of shows authority. Julia as Tate, because she has this soft elegant look that would be perfect for the role.
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Chris Hemsworth as Miles and Julia Kuzmenko as Tate Link where I found the photos on their names |
I LOVE the book. I was completely engrossed in the book. I had to stop reading it for a while though because I was so mad at one of the characters. Don't get me wrong, the book was amazingly beautiful as well. It shows both the ugly and beautiful aspects of love, which I really like. It was able to share crucial moments of happiness and sadness for you to understand what the characters are going through. I want to share spoilers and my thoughts on some of my favorite parts, but it WILL ruin the book for you. Do go and get it. I doubt you'd regret it.
"Love isn't always pretty, Tate. Sometimes you spend all your time hoping it'll eventually be something different. Something better."
I just had to share that line! *squee
I already said it. Easy 5 Stars read!
Music: Daniela Andrade
Hi everyone!
Are you looking for something to listen to? Perhaps you are a little tired of mainstream artists? Well, you are in luck because today, I'd like to talk about a singer whom I've been listening to when I need to relax and before I go to bed. Her name is Daniela Andrade and surprise surprise, I found her on Youtube.
She is amazing. Her voice contains that haunting feel to it. I had goosebumps when I first heard her sing. I believe she doesn't hide behind auto-tune and overly echoed tracks. She simply is a great singer.
Check out her channel: Daniela Andrade
This is my favorite video of hers:
Publisher: Unknown - 4:12 AM
Are you looking for something to listen to? Perhaps you are a little tired of mainstream artists? Well, you are in luck because today, I'd like to talk about a singer whom I've been listening to when I need to relax and before I go to bed. Her name is Daniela Andrade and surprise surprise, I found her on Youtube.
She is amazing. Her voice contains that haunting feel to it. I had goosebumps when I first heard her sing. I believe she doesn't hide behind auto-tune and overly echoed tracks. She simply is a great singer.
Check out her channel: Daniela Andrade
This is my favorite video of hers:
Lyrics: (Taken from Lyrics Translate)
Pick up your bags you've got some leavin' to do
I dont care about you
care about you
Word on the street you've got some growin' to do
I dont care about you
care about you
It's funny how money can make hateful words from honey sweet talking men
I can't say i'll miss you but i'll miss the face you wore when you left
Now didn't you ever learn not to break a heart you never earned
My mama said that every man is only worth his unbroken word
So I can't say i'll miss ya, but i'll miss the face you wore when you left
and I promise I wont forget ya, wont forget the things you made me regret
Daniela is an artist who deserves more views and subscribers. She has this voice that people should listen to. She has 300k+ subscribers at the moment I think, but she deserves a lot more. Check out her channel for more amazing original songs and covers.
Publisher: Unknown - 4:12 AM
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
5 Stars, Book Review, Books, Inspirational, John Green
Book Review: Paper Towns by John Green
Hi y'all!
It's been a while since I've last written a book review, I know. No worries, I'm here now. I've picked up my reading habits after reading this book. I've had it in my TBR list for a while. I didn't really have time to read books because of school. I had too many things going on to stop, relax and read a nice book. Midterms week just ended when I decided to pick this one up. I started reading it and I just couldn't stop. This is basically my favorite John Green book.
Synopsis from Amazon:
"When Margo Roth Spiegelman beckons Quentin Jacobsen in the middle of the night—dressed like a ninja and plotting an ingenious campaign of revenge—he follows her. Margo’s always planned extravagantly, and, until now, she’s always planned solo. After a lifetime of loving Margo from afar, things are finally looking up for Q . . . until day breaks and she has vanished. Always an enigma, Margo has now become a mystery. But there are clues. And they’re for Q."
The book was well written. I love how John Green writes. I am very impressed with the characters. Margo is a very intelligent young lady. Her plans are well made and clever. Quentin was also quite clever. He stepped up his game and was able to look for clues and look at the situation in Margo's angle.
The book took me back to high school. I have relived my high school years! I have to say how much I enjoyed imagining the story from Quentin's perspective. Actually, I enjoyed reading the whole book. It was cleverly written and had me scratching my head. I was so scared for Quentin. I was so curious about what happened to Margo. I had hope, I lost hope, I experienced emotional pain with Quentin and I was okay again. Talk about a roller coaster ride.
I was deeply moved by the story. I think at one point of our lives, we all become little paper dolls living in our little paper towns. It made me remember the importance of being me. I did not use "realize" because I already know the importance of being yourself. I guess I just forget it sometimes. We live in a world that is superficial. Money and Power become the main thing that drives a lot of people. These two things sometimes become the focus of our lives. We study to get a good job, we get a good job, so we can get good money, we get good money to buy everything we want and we buy everything to make us happy. I think the question here is if this same old routine is the secret to happiness.
As a teen, I am sometimes guilty of being in a hurry to grow up. I want to finish college soon and start working. I sometimes forget to live my "now". You only live once right? Well, my professor said it will be better if it is "You Only Live Today". After reading the story, I can say that we really only live today.
I have really enjoyed the book and I recommend it to everyone who would like a nice inspirational book. It had me looking at society in a different way. It's a breathe of fresh air compared to what I usually read, which are mostly Contemporary Romance books. The feels the book gave me was simply amazing! I have so many things I'd like to share, but now that I am actually writing, I am having a hard time telling you about it one by one. In short, the book is amazing, brilliant and entertaining. You need to go buy it and read it now, if you haven't already.
John Green is a very smart man who as usual, makes the readers see the whole picture and not focus on the main story itself. The book allowed me to relive memories, remember the importance of life and
focus on the present.
This definitely gets 5 Stars !
- 5:18 AM
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From Amazon |
Synopsis from Amazon:
"When Margo Roth Spiegelman beckons Quentin Jacobsen in the middle of the night—dressed like a ninja and plotting an ingenious campaign of revenge—he follows her. Margo’s always planned extravagantly, and, until now, she’s always planned solo. After a lifetime of loving Margo from afar, things are finally looking up for Q . . . until day breaks and she has vanished. Always an enigma, Margo has now become a mystery. But there are clues. And they’re for Q."
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Logan Lerman as Quentin |
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Zoey Deutch as Margo |
The book was well written. I love how John Green writes. I am very impressed with the characters. Margo is a very intelligent young lady. Her plans are well made and clever. Quentin was also quite clever. He stepped up his game and was able to look for clues and look at the situation in Margo's angle.
The book took me back to high school. I have relived my high school years! I have to say how much I enjoyed imagining the story from Quentin's perspective. Actually, I enjoyed reading the whole book. It was cleverly written and had me scratching my head. I was so scared for Quentin. I was so curious about what happened to Margo. I had hope, I lost hope, I experienced emotional pain with Quentin and I was okay again. Talk about a roller coaster ride.
I was deeply moved by the story. I think at one point of our lives, we all become little paper dolls living in our little paper towns. It made me remember the importance of being me. I did not use "realize" because I already know the importance of being yourself. I guess I just forget it sometimes. We live in a world that is superficial. Money and Power become the main thing that drives a lot of people. These two things sometimes become the focus of our lives. We study to get a good job, we get a good job, so we can get good money, we get good money to buy everything we want and we buy everything to make us happy. I think the question here is if this same old routine is the secret to happiness.
As a teen, I am sometimes guilty of being in a hurry to grow up. I want to finish college soon and start working. I sometimes forget to live my "now". You only live once right? Well, my professor said it will be better if it is "You Only Live Today". After reading the story, I can say that we really only live today.
I have really enjoyed the book and I recommend it to everyone who would like a nice inspirational book. It had me looking at society in a different way. It's a breathe of fresh air compared to what I usually read, which are mostly Contemporary Romance books. The feels the book gave me was simply amazing! I have so many things I'd like to share, but now that I am actually writing, I am having a hard time telling you about it one by one. In short, the book is amazing, brilliant and entertaining. You need to go buy it and read it now, if you haven't already.
John Green is a very smart man who as usual, makes the readers see the whole picture and not focus on the main story itself. The book allowed me to relive memories, remember the importance of life and
focus on the present.
This definitely gets 5 Stars !
Barnes and Noble Link
Friday, August 8, 2014
Books, Free, Free Ebooks
Free eBooks as of August 8 2014
Hello Everyone!
I wanted to make a quick post of a few ebooks I've found free. Instead of putting it in the free eBooks section, I thought I'd make it a post since I don't really know when the promo ends. Enjoy!
1. Blood and Lilies (Bloodlines Series Book 1) by Lyn Croft
Synopsis from Amazon:
"First in the Bloodlines Series
Once cast from Heaven, Zillah has vowed to destroy God and overtake his kingdom. But a key is needed to open the gates between the two realms.
The Key to the gate walks the earth in the form of a woman...young, innocent and completely unaware of her importance in the battle between good and evil. Once her blood is shed, Zillah can open the portal to release her father...Lucifer himself.
Cara, a college sophomore, is quickly thrown into the world of the supernatural, as well as learning of her true ancestry. Vampires, werewolves and the Nephilim are now a part of her reality. As the beings struggle to protect her, she fights to keep her sanity as her mortal realm is crushed.
Secrets are revealed that could shatter Cara’s new found love, as well as lead to her ultimate death. A family is torn apart as the battle to save the key leads them down a road of betrayal and heartache. Loved ones are lost, lines are crossed, and nothing is as it seems. Lies and truths twist and turn, leaving us with only one question…
Could you sacrifice the one you love to save the world?"
2. Surrender (Surrender Series Book 1) by Melody Anne
Synopsis from Amazon:
"Rafe Palazzo takes what he wants with no regrets. Arianna (Ari) Lynn Harlow has led a charmed life until tragedy strikes her family. He’s looking for a no-emotions attached mistress, she’s looking for redemption.
They are not a pair that should ever work, but undeniable attraction and devastating tragedies bring them together in the city by the bay where he fights to keep their relationship nothing more than an enjoyable way to meet his needs, and she battles to not lose herself in him. Spending time with Ari starts cracking the hard shell that Rafe has built around his heart, but he denies the affect she has on him until it’s too late to stop the inevitable conclusion that their relationship is headed for.
Rafe once believed in happily ever after, coming from a large Italian family. He’s got the Midas touch, since every endeavor he tries turns to gold. That all ends when his wife walks out the door and leaves him blindsided. His devastation quickly turns to steel when he decides no woman will fool him again. From that point on he treats relationships as nothing more than business transactions where both party’s come out mutually benefited.
Just when Ari has sunk to the lowest she’s ever been she finds an ad in the paper announcing a job that’s too good to be true. It turns out she’s right. She makes it through the intense rounds of interviews only to find out the job is for a mistress to the powerful Rafe Palazzo, owner of Palazzo Enterprises. Rafe gives her a day to think about whether she wants the position or not, and she’s sent on her way, only to find out her mother’s near-terminal position has taken a turn for the worse. Her mom’s only in the hospital because Ari messed up, and her mother’s the one who paid the price. Is Rafe her savior, or will he take her with him straight to the depths of hell?"
3. Off Guard by Marian Tee
Synopsis from Amazon:
"This is an all-new short story with an HEA from New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Marian Tee.
18-year-old Gabby has a date. Finally. But because of the sheltered life she's led, she needs a chaperone of sorts. Enter Hadrian Bancroft, the hottest guy in uni - and her best friend. Or at least he was until he kissed her.
Note: It will be updated to include new "episodes" but the book will remain permanently free."
4. The Tycoon's Revenge (Baby for the Billionaire Series Book 1) by Melody Anne
Synopsis from Amazon:
"Newly Published and Edited as of October 2013
Jasmine Freeman’s world is about to tumble down around her and the one responsible for it is none other than her first love, Derek Titan. She hasn't seen him in ten years, and they are both going to learn the truth of what happened back then.
Jasmine grew up wealthy and oblivious to the destruction her father caused all around him. Derek was from the wrong side of the tracks. In ten years their lives will be reversed. He is now a multi-billionaire tycoon and she works hard, but barely gets by due to her father’s unethical business practices.
Derek comes seeking revenge and instead finds out he has a half grown son and the woman he's been angry with for so many years is not who he thought she was. They both fight against the passion they still feel for each other, but in the end it is irresistible.
Come take the journey with Derek and Jasmine as they rediscover a passion that never died and the lies that kept them apart. "
5. Prescribed (The White Coat Series Book 1) by D.D. Parker
Synopsis from Amazon:
"Emma Wells thought she had it all figured out. She went to college wanting a brand new lease on life, thinking she was going to become a doctor and make her mom proud. She just wasn't planning on passing out her first day of volunteering at the hospital because she couldn't handle the sight of blood.
After banging her head on the floor, she’s taken care of by Dr. Ryan Matthews, an unfairly hot specimen of a man. Even after waking up in a cloudy, post-concussion daze, she can’t take her eyes off of him and their chemistry is becoming undeniable.
Strong. Handsome. Charming.
Even that couldn’t encompass everything Ryan had to offer. There was just one problem; Emma already had a boyfriend.
One that would never let her go.
Will Dr. Matthews still be able to prescribe Emma just what she needs or will Emma’s own demons come to threaten more than just their relationship?
**Recommended for 18+ due to sexually graphic scenes and adult language.
This is Book One in The White Coat Series (New Adult Romantic Suspense). It can be read as a stand-alone story without a cliffhanger."
6. Mine for Tonight (The Billionaire's Obsession Book 1)
Synopsis from Amazon:
"This book is free on most venues. If the book is not free, it is not the choice of the author. Please direct your concerns to the vendor.
Genre: Adult Contemporary Steamy Romance
Down on her luck, nursing student and full-time waitress Kara Foster gets a massive blow to her already desperate financial situation that will surely find her living on the streets. Needing nothing less than a miracle to save her, Kara gets rescue from an unknown, unlikely and overwhelming source. Billionaire Simon Hudson makes her an offer that is impossible to refuse, but terrifying to accept from a man that she's never met. Will the handsome, alpha billionaire really be a solution to her problems, or will he end up being a major complication and a danger to her emotional sanity?
Reclusive billionaire Simon Hudson would rather be behind a computer creating computer games than rubbing elbows with the elite and he knows exactly what he wants...until he meets Kara Foster. Something about Kara touches Simon in ways he's never experienced and definitely doesn't like. For over a year, Simon watches over Kara, but stubbornly refuses to admit his desire to possess her, not even to himself. But when she ends up in a situation that could very well be her destruction, Simon steps up to help her, not realizing that in saving Kara, he might very well be salvaging his own soul.
"Mine For Tonight" is book one of "The Billionaire's Obsession" . Books in this trilogy do not stand alone and need to be read in order. They include:
Mine For Tonight - Book 1 "The Billionaire's Obsession"
Mine For Now - Book 2 "The Billionaire's Obsession"
Mine Forever - Book 3 "The Billionaire's Obsession"
and Mine Completely - a Valentine's Day romance featuring Simon and Kara
This is a steamy romance and is not intended for YA readers. It contains steamy love scenes, explicit language and adult emotion not appropriate for YA readers."
7. Shattered Hearts (Shattered Book 1)
Synopsis from Amazon:
"The nightmares never stop.
Amanda escaped her abusive past, but old wounds never truly heal. They scar.
Meanwhile in Minnesota, siblings Nate and Maggie are struggling to keep the family farm afloat after their parents’ fatal car accident. An online job posting brings the three together, and Amanda finds herself living under the same roof as two twenty-somethings still struggling to come to terms with their grief.
While Amanda quickly befriends Maggie, winning over work-obsessed Nate is more complicated. He's too proud to admit he needs a farmhand's help and Amanda is wary of his temper as it triggers painful memories.
To make matters worse, Amanda feels an attraction to Nate that’s hard to ignore. Will they ever be able to nurture their budding romance, or will their demons prove to be too much to overcome?
This book contains explicit adult situations.
It is the first part of the Shattered trilogy."
Note: All Images are from amazon.
Publisher: Unknown - 6:00 AM
I wanted to make a quick post of a few ebooks I've found free. Instead of putting it in the free eBooks section, I thought I'd make it a post since I don't really know when the promo ends. Enjoy!
1. Blood and Lilies (Bloodlines Series Book 1) by Lyn Croft
Synopsis from Amazon:
"First in the Bloodlines Series
Once cast from Heaven, Zillah has vowed to destroy God and overtake his kingdom. But a key is needed to open the gates between the two realms.
The Key to the gate walks the earth in the form of a woman...young, innocent and completely unaware of her importance in the battle between good and evil. Once her blood is shed, Zillah can open the portal to release her father...Lucifer himself.
Cara, a college sophomore, is quickly thrown into the world of the supernatural, as well as learning of her true ancestry. Vampires, werewolves and the Nephilim are now a part of her reality. As the beings struggle to protect her, she fights to keep her sanity as her mortal realm is crushed.
Secrets are revealed that could shatter Cara’s new found love, as well as lead to her ultimate death. A family is torn apart as the battle to save the key leads them down a road of betrayal and heartache. Loved ones are lost, lines are crossed, and nothing is as it seems. Lies and truths twist and turn, leaving us with only one question…
Could you sacrifice the one you love to save the world?"
2. Surrender (Surrender Series Book 1) by Melody Anne
Synopsis from Amazon:
"Rafe Palazzo takes what he wants with no regrets. Arianna (Ari) Lynn Harlow has led a charmed life until tragedy strikes her family. He’s looking for a no-emotions attached mistress, she’s looking for redemption.
They are not a pair that should ever work, but undeniable attraction and devastating tragedies bring them together in the city by the bay where he fights to keep their relationship nothing more than an enjoyable way to meet his needs, and she battles to not lose herself in him. Spending time with Ari starts cracking the hard shell that Rafe has built around his heart, but he denies the affect she has on him until it’s too late to stop the inevitable conclusion that their relationship is headed for.
Rafe once believed in happily ever after, coming from a large Italian family. He’s got the Midas touch, since every endeavor he tries turns to gold. That all ends when his wife walks out the door and leaves him blindsided. His devastation quickly turns to steel when he decides no woman will fool him again. From that point on he treats relationships as nothing more than business transactions where both party’s come out mutually benefited.
Just when Ari has sunk to the lowest she’s ever been she finds an ad in the paper announcing a job that’s too good to be true. It turns out she’s right. She makes it through the intense rounds of interviews only to find out the job is for a mistress to the powerful Rafe Palazzo, owner of Palazzo Enterprises. Rafe gives her a day to think about whether she wants the position or not, and she’s sent on her way, only to find out her mother’s near-terminal position has taken a turn for the worse. Her mom’s only in the hospital because Ari messed up, and her mother’s the one who paid the price. Is Rafe her savior, or will he take her with him straight to the depths of hell?"
3. Off Guard by Marian Tee
Synopsis from Amazon:
"This is an all-new short story with an HEA from New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Marian Tee.
18-year-old Gabby has a date. Finally. But because of the sheltered life she's led, she needs a chaperone of sorts. Enter Hadrian Bancroft, the hottest guy in uni - and her best friend. Or at least he was until he kissed her.
Note: It will be updated to include new "episodes" but the book will remain permanently free."
4. The Tycoon's Revenge (Baby for the Billionaire Series Book 1) by Melody Anne
Synopsis from Amazon:
"Newly Published and Edited as of October 2013
Jasmine Freeman’s world is about to tumble down around her and the one responsible for it is none other than her first love, Derek Titan. She hasn't seen him in ten years, and they are both going to learn the truth of what happened back then.
Jasmine grew up wealthy and oblivious to the destruction her father caused all around him. Derek was from the wrong side of the tracks. In ten years their lives will be reversed. He is now a multi-billionaire tycoon and she works hard, but barely gets by due to her father’s unethical business practices.
Derek comes seeking revenge and instead finds out he has a half grown son and the woman he's been angry with for so many years is not who he thought she was. They both fight against the passion they still feel for each other, but in the end it is irresistible.
Come take the journey with Derek and Jasmine as they rediscover a passion that never died and the lies that kept them apart. "
5. Prescribed (The White Coat Series Book 1) by D.D. Parker
Synopsis from Amazon:
"Emma Wells thought she had it all figured out. She went to college wanting a brand new lease on life, thinking she was going to become a doctor and make her mom proud. She just wasn't planning on passing out her first day of volunteering at the hospital because she couldn't handle the sight of blood.
After banging her head on the floor, she’s taken care of by Dr. Ryan Matthews, an unfairly hot specimen of a man. Even after waking up in a cloudy, post-concussion daze, she can’t take her eyes off of him and their chemistry is becoming undeniable.
Strong. Handsome. Charming.
Even that couldn’t encompass everything Ryan had to offer. There was just one problem; Emma already had a boyfriend.
One that would never let her go.
Will Dr. Matthews still be able to prescribe Emma just what she needs or will Emma’s own demons come to threaten more than just their relationship?
**Recommended for 18+ due to sexually graphic scenes and adult language.
This is Book One in The White Coat Series (New Adult Romantic Suspense). It can be read as a stand-alone story without a cliffhanger."
6. Mine for Tonight (The Billionaire's Obsession Book 1)
Synopsis from Amazon:
"This book is free on most venues. If the book is not free, it is not the choice of the author. Please direct your concerns to the vendor.
Genre: Adult Contemporary Steamy Romance
Down on her luck, nursing student and full-time waitress Kara Foster gets a massive blow to her already desperate financial situation that will surely find her living on the streets. Needing nothing less than a miracle to save her, Kara gets rescue from an unknown, unlikely and overwhelming source. Billionaire Simon Hudson makes her an offer that is impossible to refuse, but terrifying to accept from a man that she's never met. Will the handsome, alpha billionaire really be a solution to her problems, or will he end up being a major complication and a danger to her emotional sanity?
Reclusive billionaire Simon Hudson would rather be behind a computer creating computer games than rubbing elbows with the elite and he knows exactly what he wants...until he meets Kara Foster. Something about Kara touches Simon in ways he's never experienced and definitely doesn't like. For over a year, Simon watches over Kara, but stubbornly refuses to admit his desire to possess her, not even to himself. But when she ends up in a situation that could very well be her destruction, Simon steps up to help her, not realizing that in saving Kara, he might very well be salvaging his own soul.
"Mine For Tonight" is book one of "The Billionaire's Obsession" . Books in this trilogy do not stand alone and need to be read in order. They include:
Mine For Tonight - Book 1 "The Billionaire's Obsession"
Mine For Now - Book 2 "The Billionaire's Obsession"
Mine Forever - Book 3 "The Billionaire's Obsession"
and Mine Completely - a Valentine's Day romance featuring Simon and Kara
This is a steamy romance and is not intended for YA readers. It contains steamy love scenes, explicit language and adult emotion not appropriate for YA readers."
7. Shattered Hearts (Shattered Book 1)
Synopsis from Amazon:
"The nightmares never stop.
Amanda escaped her abusive past, but old wounds never truly heal. They scar.
Meanwhile in Minnesota, siblings Nate and Maggie are struggling to keep the family farm afloat after their parents’ fatal car accident. An online job posting brings the three together, and Amanda finds herself living under the same roof as two twenty-somethings still struggling to come to terms with their grief.
While Amanda quickly befriends Maggie, winning over work-obsessed Nate is more complicated. He's too proud to admit he needs a farmhand's help and Amanda is wary of his temper as it triggers painful memories.
To make matters worse, Amanda feels an attraction to Nate that’s hard to ignore. Will they ever be able to nurture their budding romance, or will their demons prove to be too much to overcome?
This book contains explicit adult situations.
It is the first part of the Shattered trilogy."
Note: All Images are from amazon.
Publisher: Unknown - 6:00 AM
Monday, July 28, 2014
4 Stars, Movie Review, Movies
Movie Review: Panic Room
Hi everyone!
In this post, I'd like to talk about The Panic Room. It is a movie my grandmother insisted on watching. I haven't seen it before, but my grandma has and she just wanted to see it again. I obliged. Kristen Stewart was in this movie and she was just a teen back then.
Basically, the movie is about a woman and her daughter being trapped inside a "panic room" when three men break in their newly acquired house. Where is daddy dearest to protect the family you ask? Well, the couple were in the middle of their divorce. The mother, Meg Altman (Jodie Foster) and her daughter, Sarah Altman (Kristen Stewart) will be spending their first night in Manhattan when it all happened. The question here is, Who is the better strategist? Who will outwit the other?
I have to say, I enjoyed the movie.It wasn't too dull that I got bored and relied on my snacks to keep awake and it wasn't too exciting that it kept me on my toes the whole way. This movie was published back in 2002, so of course the gadgets and gizmos back then weren't too impressive. As you can see from the photo above, they were inside a room that had CCTV monitors, which allowed them to see everything happening in the house.
I enjoyed watching the part where the three bad men/burglars tried to get inside their panic room. I don't want to give specific details. I don't want to give spoilers because it will ruin the movie. I'd have to applaud the people behind the movie for their thrill inducing slow motion scenes. They honestly got me all worked up in that one scene. If you want to know what I am talking about, do watch the movie. I was also deeply touched by the mother's actions to protect her child. I'd have to give the cast additional points for being quite believable. I was either touched or angered by the cast. I noted it for it actually made me feel something for the characters. I was rooting for Meg and Sarah while I wanted to bring down the three men.
I think what thrilled me most about the movie is how real it is. A burglar breaking houses happen a lot. No matter what country you are in, it happens everywhere. The thing is, do you have a panic/safe room to hide in when they plan on hurting you? The movie depicts a scenario that will leave you a little bit of doubt before you sleep at night. I know it got me a little bit worried about the possibilities of a burglar breaking in at night
Overall, the movie was great. It had just enough thrill to keep me watching. It had scenes that were very thrill-inducing and ones that allowed me to be laid back. There were a few twists in the movie, which were nice and fitting. I think it is worth watching and I would recommend the movie to everyone looking for something good to watch.
I would have to give it 4 out of 5 Stars! ~~~~ ★★★★ Publisher: Unknown - 5:08 PM
In this post, I'd like to talk about The Panic Room. It is a movie my grandmother insisted on watching. I haven't seen it before, but my grandma has and she just wanted to see it again. I obliged. Kristen Stewart was in this movie and she was just a teen back then.
I have to say, I enjoyed the movie.It wasn't too dull that I got bored and relied on my snacks to keep awake and it wasn't too exciting that it kept me on my toes the whole way. This movie was published back in 2002, so of course the gadgets and gizmos back then weren't too impressive. As you can see from the photo above, they were inside a room that had CCTV monitors, which allowed them to see everything happening in the house.
I enjoyed watching the part where the three bad men/burglars tried to get inside their panic room. I don't want to give specific details. I don't want to give spoilers because it will ruin the movie. I'd have to applaud the people behind the movie for their thrill inducing slow motion scenes. They honestly got me all worked up in that one scene. If you want to know what I am talking about, do watch the movie. I was also deeply touched by the mother's actions to protect her child. I'd have to give the cast additional points for being quite believable. I was either touched or angered by the cast. I noted it for it actually made me feel something for the characters. I was rooting for Meg and Sarah while I wanted to bring down the three men.
I think what thrilled me most about the movie is how real it is. A burglar breaking houses happen a lot. No matter what country you are in, it happens everywhere. The thing is, do you have a panic/safe room to hide in when they plan on hurting you? The movie depicts a scenario that will leave you a little bit of doubt before you sleep at night. I know it got me a little bit worried about the possibilities of a burglar breaking in at night
Overall, the movie was great. It had just enough thrill to keep me watching. It had scenes that were very thrill-inducing and ones that allowed me to be laid back. There were a few twists in the movie, which were nice and fitting. I think it is worth watching and I would recommend the movie to everyone looking for something good to watch.
I would have to give it 4 out of 5 Stars! ~~~~ ★★★★ Publisher: Unknown - 5:08 PM
4 Stars, Food, Food Review
Food Review: Walnut Muffin from Cup of Faith Coffee Shop
How is everyone doing? I'd like to share this nice little treat I got last July 25th from a cute coffee shop/Christian bookstore located inside the Christ's Commision Fellowship in Pasig. I was there for a seminar called "Turn Around Marketing". It is called "A Cup of Faith", a very fitting name if you ask me. I wanted to try something from there and decided to go with the Walnut Muffin.
I thought it looked appetizing and the walnuts on the top just made it a whole lot better.
I really liked the muffin. It had the right amount of sweetness. The walnuts brought that little crunch and gave it a distinct taste. I think I also tasted cinnamon in there. I liked how it all balanced the taste of the muffin. Usually, the bottom half of a muffin makes me lose my interest because it holds the least flavor. In this case though, the taste of the cinnamon was consistent, which made eating it all good.
The coffee shop was on the second floor of the book shop. It had a flight of stairs that leads to it. If only I was living near CCF, I would love to stay there when reading a book. Although, I did notice how the floor in the coffee shop was a little "shakey". It was like it was vibrating a little bit.
The staff were very accommodating. I like how they handle their customers. They were all smiles and were more than happy to give me information I wanted.
Overall, I'd say it was really nice. I'd buy one again. I'd even try something else from their array of treats. My grandmother said it was the first muffin she actually liked, so that is saying a lot. She does not like muffins and cupcakes. She prefers donuts, but this one passed the test.
Here is a map that shows where CCF is. To all my readers/viewers, I'm sorry this one is located inside the Philippines.
I'd give the muffin a 4 out of 5 Stars! ★★★★
Note: I'm trying to keep the reviews/posts direct to the point. I don't exactly want to dilly-dally on things that don't really matter. I hope you'd like my posts better this way. If not, you can let me know in the comments below.
xo Publisher: Unknown - 6:24 AM
How is everyone doing? I'd like to share this nice little treat I got last July 25th from a cute coffee shop/Christian bookstore located inside the Christ's Commision Fellowship in Pasig. I was there for a seminar called "Turn Around Marketing". It is called "A Cup of Faith", a very fitting name if you ask me. I wanted to try something from there and decided to go with the Walnut Muffin.
I thought it looked appetizing and the walnuts on the top just made it a whole lot better.
The muffin was soft. It was coming apart a little bit as I tried to eat it. I took photos of it inside the store, but I asked for a bag so I can eat it while walking or while we're still outside the main hall.
I really liked the muffin. It had the right amount of sweetness. The walnuts brought that little crunch and gave it a distinct taste. I think I also tasted cinnamon in there. I liked how it all balanced the taste of the muffin. Usually, the bottom half of a muffin makes me lose my interest because it holds the least flavor. In this case though, the taste of the cinnamon was consistent, which made eating it all good.
The coffee shop was on the second floor of the book shop. It had a flight of stairs that leads to it. If only I was living near CCF, I would love to stay there when reading a book. Although, I did notice how the floor in the coffee shop was a little "shakey". It was like it was vibrating a little bit.
The staff were very accommodating. I like how they handle their customers. They were all smiles and were more than happy to give me information I wanted.
Overall, I'd say it was really nice. I'd buy one again. I'd even try something else from their array of treats. My grandmother said it was the first muffin she actually liked, so that is saying a lot. She does not like muffins and cupcakes. She prefers donuts, but this one passed the test.
Here is a map that shows where CCF is. To all my readers/viewers, I'm sorry this one is located inside the Philippines.
I'd give the muffin a 4 out of 5 Stars! ★★★★
Note: I'm trying to keep the reviews/posts direct to the point. I don't exactly want to dilly-dally on things that don't really matter. I hope you'd like my posts better this way. If not, you can let me know in the comments below.
xo Publisher: Unknown - 6:24 AM
Boys, Youtuber
Boys: Felix Arvid Ulf Kjelberg as PewDiePie
Hi everyone!
This is my second post featuring boys from Youtube. I have to say though that you will probably see a lot more Youtubers featured here in the future. I honestly spend more time watching videos on Youtube than shows on TV (Although, I do watch a lot of different shows on the telly).
In this post, I'd like to talk about Felix, another Youtuber whom I watch a lot.
Who is this Felix Arvid Ulf Kjelberg?
If you haven't heard of him yet, he is also known as PewDiePie in youtube. He is a 24-year old Swedish Youtuber known for his Let's Play videos. He has the most viewed channel as of July 25, 2014 (If you want to see the full list, check it out from Tubefilter), garnering about 100 million views weekly. He started his channel back in 2010 and only begun to grow around 2012. Today, he has more than 29 million subscribers.
The most recent video of his I've watched is the Sims 4 Gameplay where he creates his own sim. Watch it below.
Most of the time, I find his videos very funny. I am amused by how he reacts to what happens in the game. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why he is so popular. He somehow keeps you watching more. I feel like when he gives a normal Gameplay video enough energy or when she shows his personality through the reactions he makes, it keeps the viewers interested. I know it did to me. I am not a big fan of Let's Play videos, but I do enjoy it when I watch his. Let's say I enjoy his humor. I even watched his previous videos about the game The Walking Dead and Corpse Party. I'd like to take note those videos were more than 20 minutes each. For a girl who is usually busy, that is saying a lot. I also like how he does his high-pitched intros and bro-fist outros. I think they are cute and that it allows viewers to easily remember him.
To all the girls who are currently crushing on him, sorry girls, he has a girlfriend. A really cute one too! Her name is Marzia and is known as CutiePie. They sound like they're made for each other too. Marzia actually uses her own high-pitched voice as well. They even have a lot of videos together.
Publisher: Unknown - 5:09 AM
This is my second post featuring boys from Youtube. I have to say though that you will probably see a lot more Youtubers featured here in the future. I honestly spend more time watching videos on Youtube than shows on TV (Although, I do watch a lot of different shows on the telly).
In this post, I'd like to talk about Felix, another Youtuber whom I watch a lot.
Who is this Felix Arvid Ulf Kjelberg?
If you haven't heard of him yet, he is also known as PewDiePie in youtube. He is a 24-year old Swedish Youtuber known for his Let's Play videos. He has the most viewed channel as of July 25, 2014 (If you want to see the full list, check it out from Tubefilter), garnering about 100 million views weekly. He started his channel back in 2010 and only begun to grow around 2012. Today, he has more than 29 million subscribers.
The most recent video of his I've watched is the Sims 4 Gameplay where he creates his own sim. Watch it below.
Most of the time, I find his videos very funny. I am amused by how he reacts to what happens in the game. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why he is so popular. He somehow keeps you watching more. I feel like when he gives a normal Gameplay video enough energy or when she shows his personality through the reactions he makes, it keeps the viewers interested. I know it did to me. I am not a big fan of Let's Play videos, but I do enjoy it when I watch his. Let's say I enjoy his humor. I even watched his previous videos about the game The Walking Dead and Corpse Party. I'd like to take note those videos were more than 20 minutes each. For a girl who is usually busy, that is saying a lot. I also like how he does his high-pitched intros and bro-fist outros. I think they are cute and that it allows viewers to easily remember him.
To all the girls who are currently crushing on him, sorry girls, he has a girlfriend. A really cute one too! Her name is Marzia and is known as CutiePie. They sound like they're made for each other too. Marzia actually uses her own high-pitched voice as well. They even have a lot of videos together.
Aren't they just cute?
xo~ JPublisher: Unknown - 5:09 AM
Boys, Youtuber
Boys: Jack Harries: A Film for Ella
Recently, a young man named Jack Harries created a video for his girlfriend Ella. Jack is a Youtuber whom I've been watching for quite a long time now. I have been a fan of his and his twin brother's work in their channel Jacksgap. To be honest, I even follow them on Twitter. Jack and Finn (His twin) create high quality videos and help charities along the way. The more views they obtain, the bigger help they give out. I am very inspired by their ways and hope to one day meet the chaps. I have a lot of respect for their big hearts and intelligent minds.
Anyway, let me get back to the film Jack made for Ella. Watch it, before give my insights.
I was extremely touched by the video. He lives in London. Ella challenged Jack to go see her but not to tell her when. He spontaneously dropped everything and packed to go to Australia. He spent more than 28 hours just to surprise Ella on her birthday.
To all the guys out there, do take some notes. It was absolutely romantic. I shed a few tears after seeing them reunited. I think he gave her the best gift for her birthday. The amount of effort he has put on to it is simply amazing. This kind of relationship just makes me feel like a hopeless romantic. I do think that their time together will be well spent. The last part of the video simply shows that they are having tons of fun.
I wish them all the best and a belated happy birthday to Ella Grace Denton.
- 3:51 AM
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
4 Stars, Bath and Body, Beauty, Lush
Beauty: Godiva Solid Shampoo by Lush
Hi Everyone!
They have a product called a shampoo bar. I was immediately drawn to it because the idea of a shampoo being a bar was interesting to me. It would be great whenever I need to travel, or stay somewhere overnight. I was curious with regards to how foamy it would get. I decided to try it out. I got something called the Godiva. It is both a shampoo and a conditioner.

I have thoroughly enjoyed using the Godiva solid shampoo. I am a satisfied customer.
The first thing I noticed after using it during the first few days is that my hair easily gets tangled. I felt as if I didn't use a conditioner. The thing is, once my hair is dry, it feels really soft. After a week or two though, I noticed the whole "just shampoo" feel gradually decreases. I love the smell on my hair and how soft it gets afterwards. I also noticed how after two to three weeks, my hair got a bit shinier. It had a soft glow whenever I looked in the mirror.
The shampoo should last for 2-3 months. Mine lasted for a month, but my grandma was using it as well. We both use it twice a day, so you do the math.
P.S. Refrain from keeping it in a container that keeps getting wet. Once it is in a puddle of water, it melts.
Overall, I enjoyed using it. I like how it made my hair soft and a little shiny. I also love the smell. I love smelling my hair while trying to dry it. I would recommend it. I will also buy more. I'll probably try different shampoo bars and solid conditioners. I'd love to see more products from Lush.
I'd give this product 4 Stars!
- 6:21 AM
Today, I'd like to talk about something I've been using for the past couple of weeks. To everyone who didn't know, I am a huge "Lushee". I try to go to Lush, the one located in Glorietta, whenever I can. I just love going there because it smells amazing and I love looking at their current products.
By the way, if you didn't know, Lush creates fresh handmade cosmetics. They are basically a vegan, cruelty free company. Check their website here
By the way, if you didn't know, Lush creates fresh handmade cosmetics. They are basically a vegan, cruelty free company. Check their website here
The first time I ever saw a Lush store, I remember I was immediately drawn by the scent. It was so strong I could clearly smell it from outside. I wanted to buy something but I was skeptical because they were quite expensive. Then, I saw Zoella and Louise vlog about it. If you don't know who they are, click on their names to check their Youtube Channels. They are two of my favorite female vloggers.
They have a product called a shampoo bar. I was immediately drawn to it because the idea of a shampoo being a bar was interesting to me. It would be great whenever I need to travel, or stay somewhere overnight. I was curious with regards to how foamy it would get. I decided to try it out. I got something called the Godiva. It is both a shampoo and a conditioner.

According to LushUSA,
"2-in-1 jasmine shampoo with conditioning butters:
Our vegan, 2-in-1 shampoo bar cleans and conditions your hair with moisturizing nut oils and shea butter. These butters and oils care for dry, processed locks and leave you with glossy, shiny, and softened tresses. Long used as a tonic for the hair and scalp, jasmine also perfumes your locks with an ultra-sexy fragrance with serious staying power. Named after a certain naked protestor, Godiva gets to work sending a message to your hair"
I have thoroughly enjoyed using the Godiva solid shampoo. I am a satisfied customer.
The first thing I noticed after using it during the first few days is that my hair easily gets tangled. I felt as if I didn't use a conditioner. The thing is, once my hair is dry, it feels really soft. After a week or two though, I noticed the whole "just shampoo" feel gradually decreases. I love the smell on my hair and how soft it gets afterwards. I also noticed how after two to three weeks, my hair got a bit shinier. It had a soft glow whenever I looked in the mirror.
This is basically the bar. It contains bits and pieces of conditioner and jasmine inside.
If you are wondering how it is actually used, here is a little how-to video.
How to use:
P.S. Refrain from keeping it in a container that keeps getting wet. Once it is in a puddle of water, it melts.
Overall, I enjoyed using it. I like how it made my hair soft and a little shiny. I also love the smell. I love smelling my hair while trying to dry it. I would recommend it. I will also buy more. I'll probably try different shampoo bars and solid conditioners. I'd love to see more products from Lush.
I'd give this product 4 Stars!
Thursday, July 3, 2014
3.5 Stars, Movie Review, Movies
Movie Review: The Purge
What if one night every year you could commit any and all crimes you wish?
Hi Everyone, today I would like to share a movie I recently watched. I have been looking for horror films and I stumbled upon this one. it was released back in 2013. The movie portrays the future of the United States of America. In the movie, America has flourished economically, but removed the security the law has provided. For 12 hours any and all crime is allowed. Police and Hospitals aren't available to help. Because of this, people either lock themselves inside their house or they go out to hunt or purge. The movie shows how a wealthy family gets targeted and attacked by people from the outside when a stranger was let in by a family member.
Image Link
- 6:19 PM
When people start to get a bit worried about the coming "Purge" it starts to get on my nerves as well. I was a tad scared about what would happen in the film. The fighting hasn't even started yet and I already see what the people behind the movie intend to fill the minds of the viewers. I only hope they can deliver the thrill and fear I'd like to feel from the whole film. I've noticed a few things about the movie, which are:
1. The importance of self protection. There are a lot of arguments regarding this topic. It tackles the importance of owning weapons to protect themselves versus the importance of not owning weapons to not hurt other people. It also goes into the importance of knowing self defense. In our world today, is it safe not to own weapons or know how to defend yourself? We all have different views in this matter, but I do believe that self defense is important. I'm not necessarily saying you should own a gun. We can protect ourselves in a number of ways. A year ago or so, I've attended Aikido classes. I wanted to be able to protect myself from people who want to harm me.
2. The importance of morality~The sense of being a human being. Is it still a world worth living in if you can kill people for the sake of releasing anger and frustration? Is this what the essence of being a human being? If that happens, is there still such a thing as morality? It's scary to think people would welcome the idea itself.
3. The unconditional love of a parent. The movie will remind everyone how far parents will go to protect their children. It's nice to see that despite the circumstances, the film shows some positive aspects in it.
4. Learn who to trust. Would you trust an educated youth or a homeless man? We need to see behind the outside shell. We must learn to see their true intentions. There are people are good at hiding their themselves behind masks and uncovering the truth isn't easy, but what if it's a matter of life and death? Will you make the right choice? Will you trust the right person? Or will you trust no one?
I liked how the concept was different from the usual settings we see. Perhaps the scariest thing about it is that it's something that is possible. It is not something that will likely occur right now, but it is possible.
Honestly though, the family made really stupid decisions. It annoyed me a lot because most people wouldn't do most of the things they did. I really don't want to give out spoilers but the way some of the main characters think just really gets on my nerves. I know it is just a movie and not real life. I feel like most movies out there make their characters a bit dense. I've seen it, you've seen it. It sucks.
I have to say though that the first half of the movie was good, but I started to lose interest as it passed the halfway point. I just felt like things could have been made better. I kinda saw the twist in the end, but it was okay nonetheless. In my opinion, the idea had potential, but the people behind the film failed to deliver the thrill it wanted to instill in the mind of the viewers.
I would have to give it 3.5 Stars
Honestly though, the family made really stupid decisions. It annoyed me a lot because most people wouldn't do most of the things they did. I really don't want to give out spoilers but the way some of the main characters think just really gets on my nerves. I know it is just a movie and not real life. I feel like most movies out there make their characters a bit dense. I've seen it, you've seen it. It sucks.
I have to say though that the first half of the movie was good, but I started to lose interest as it passed the halfway point. I just felt like things could have been made better. I kinda saw the twist in the end, but it was okay nonetheless. In my opinion, the idea had potential, but the people behind the film failed to deliver the thrill it wanted to instill in the mind of the viewers.
I would have to give it 3.5 Stars
Event: LeBran Dance Party All In!
Hello Everyone!
I attended a dance party back in May 30, 2014. I am only able to share it with you today because I was editing my blog template.
According to LeBran's website, "Le Bran is a unique dance fitness routine that utilizes movements from popular Latin dances and translates the same into body kinetics which delivers long lasting fitness benefits in mind and body. It is pioneered in the Philippines by Mr. Brando Balmedina, who has been conferred the title Fellowship in Latin American dances by the United Kingdom Alliance of Professional Teachers of Dancing."
Basically, I see it as a fun way to exercise. They created an event where people could party and exercise at the same time. I was quite curious as to how the event works. Most parties involve a lot of dancing, but this one incorporates it with exercise. I had no idea how it will work because I haven't even tried LeBran before. I have previously tried Aerobic Dancing and I didn't really like it.
Let's Start with the Cons:
1. Slow Start~Entrance: I reached the place a few minutes before it started. There was already a line of people trying to register for the event. I'd say there were 7-12 people ahead of me and they were taking quite some time to register. People were cramming the front desk and it took them quite a while to find their names. I wasn't even on the list.
2. Miscommunication between guests and hosts: I didn't like how I wasn't properly briefed about the free photo booth and where the baggage counter was. The people at the front desk were supposed to inform me that the photo booth near the entrance was free. also, I've been listening to other groups of people as the hosts were giving instructions on where the baggage counter was and from what I heard, a lot of people, including me did not understand where exactly the counter was. Perhaps I was a bit too focused on studying everything going on. I don't know. But, I wish there were clearer instructions and information given as the event went on. There were other minor instruction and information problems as the event progressed.
3. Uninteresting Start: Once I saw the main room where we'll be "partying" and people barely interacted with each other. I saw a couple of groups that just sat there and stared the main screen that showed repeating advertisements. I'd have to say how I had a few yawns myself.
4. No Free Water: When the tickets were being sold, we were told that there would be free water. No free water was given, but a tea company whose name I failed to understand gave away free tea. The host said that it was supposed to help when trying to lose weight. It was an ideal drink if you are on diet. I was a bit intrigued and tried to get a cup.
5. One Dispenser: There was only one dispenser for the drinks. There were a lot of people. You do the math; the tea area was congested. There was no line. People tried to cut in everywhere. It was basically chaos. Also, the empty cups were beside the dispenser, which made things worse. People were grabbing and pushing everywhere. I really dislike such situations, but I didn't bring water. I was also really thirsty. From where I was, nothing was done to try and fix the situation. The people were left to fight over whose hand would be able to get tea first.
6. Overpriced Water: Once I got back to my seat, I found out water was being sold. Not only that, they were selling it for 30 pesos each. It's overpriced for a bottle of water. I would think they'd lower the price to try and compensate for the whole "free water" incident. I'd choose the cold water compared to the free tea though.
7. Missing Staff: The moment I went looking for a waiter, so I could buy a bottle, they were gone. I tried to look around, but they can't be found. I decided to roam around. I found two of them on the other side of the wall that surrounded the dance floor, having a nice chat. In my opinion, they should be roaming around, looking for people who'd like to buy something.
8. Lack of Brochures: I tried asking a lady situated in the front desk for a brochure. She called a young usherette to help me out. The usherette brought me beside the stage to ask for a brochure. The guy said that they didn't have one and to return later because he would have someone get one for me. I returned before I left the event and they still didn't have one. If I was a potential customer, they probably lost me.
Was I a bit harsh? I was just being frank. Let's move on to the pros.
1. Friendly Ushers: I wanted to take note of how friendly and accommodating the ushers were.
2. Good Venue: The venue basically looked like a mix of a club and a dance studio. I wish I could have worn neon colored clothes. I wore black, grey and white. To my defense, it would be easier to hide my sweat. As I mentioned earlier, I had no idea how the event would go, especially since it was the first time I'd try Le Bran. The whole "party" while exercising was a bit foreign to me, but Le Bran did a great job in combining the two ideas.
3. Good Music: I have to point out how I liked the song choices. Their playlist was fun and upbeat without being too annoying for my taste. I listen to a lot of party music whenever I need to get a bit of energy and there were a lot of mixes that I've never heard of before. Did they have someone remix it? I don't know, but I like it.
4. Several Raffle Prizes: I like winning free stuff. Who doesn't? I never win at raffles, but they're a good way to keep the crowd quiet and listen to the winning numbers. They gave away Le Bran gift certificates and merchandise.
5. Superior Dancers: There were these amazing dancers who moved gracefully. I enjoyed watching them perform dances I could never do. I believe they had the technical skill on point. They were able to match the beat. I don't like watching people dance off-rhythm. I also noticed how most, if not all, displayed this confidence that just radiates a certain intensity.
6. Interesting Dances: Back when I tried Aerobic dancing, the moves were all pretty basic and you'd probably get bored pretty quick. I enjoyed the variety of dance styles they exhibited. Everyone would be able to find at least one dance style they'd like. I don't exactly have the best hand-feet coordination, but I was able to follow a lot of the dances they prepared.
7. Different Set of Dancers: I wanted to put this in a different number because I thought it was important to have different set of dancers every time they changed the dance style. It allowed the dancers to showcase their specialty and it would allow other dancers to rest and retain energy. I'd like to point out how I liked that they have dancers in the crowd. Not everyone would be able to see the stage clearly and it helped that we had people to follow nearby.
8. Short Water Breaks: It wasn't too short that we couldn't catch our breathes. It wasn't too long that I'd lose the energy and motivation to continue. I hated the long water breaks from aerobic dancing because I'd lose the adrenaline and feel tiredness creep into me.
9. Consistent Staff Energy: If I notice that the hosts and dancers start to get tired and talk with a little less energy, then I'd probably notice the same thing happen to me. You get what you give, and the staff were able to consistently fill the room with their energy. It worked out well. I left the event still pumping with adrenaline and music blaring in my ears.
10. It's for a Great Cause: LeBran has scholars. The money customers pay them, allows the company to support their scholars. I believe that education is very important and that every child should have the chance to go to school. Life is hard. It's even harder when you're financially unstable. I salute LeBran for this remarkable action.
Conclusion: Basically, I enjoyed it.
Do I recommend it? Yes I do. I had fun and exercised at the same time.
Will I go to another one of their events? 70% yes. I'd like to think they would work out the kinks next time. Also, I'm not sure when they'd have their next event and if I would be able to catch the news.
Will I go to their exercise sessions? Whenever I have the time, I would. They offer free sessions near the Makati City Hall.
Event: I hope they would be able to plan and organize the event better next time. The idea has a lot of potential, but it lacked proper execution.
Dance/Exercise: Keep doing what you're doing. I loved the dance routines.
Website: http://www.lebrandfx.com.ph/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LebranDFX
Twitter: @lebrandfx
Email: shapeup@lebrandfx.com.ph
Mobile: (+63) 917 502 4677
(+63) 917 655 5246
(+63) 916 401 1490

They didn't have brochures during the event, so they sent it to me via email.
I would like to thank Ms. Cadlum for taking the time to send me the brochures via email.
Note: If you noticed, the cons were all from the event organization. I have no qualms about the dance routines. I thought they were fun.
Event: Philippines Publisher: Unknown - 6:17 PM
I attended a dance party back in May 30, 2014. I am only able to share it with you today because I was editing my blog template.
According to LeBran's website, "Le Bran is a unique dance fitness routine that utilizes movements from popular Latin dances and translates the same into body kinetics which delivers long lasting fitness benefits in mind and body. It is pioneered in the Philippines by Mr. Brando Balmedina, who has been conferred the title Fellowship in Latin American dances by the United Kingdom Alliance of Professional Teachers of Dancing."
Basically, I see it as a fun way to exercise. They created an event where people could party and exercise at the same time. I was quite curious as to how the event works. Most parties involve a lot of dancing, but this one incorporates it with exercise. I had no idea how it will work because I haven't even tried LeBran before. I have previously tried Aerobic Dancing and I didn't really like it.
Let's Start with the Cons:
1. Slow Start~Entrance: I reached the place a few minutes before it started. There was already a line of people trying to register for the event. I'd say there were 7-12 people ahead of me and they were taking quite some time to register. People were cramming the front desk and it took them quite a while to find their names. I wasn't even on the list.
2. Miscommunication between guests and hosts: I didn't like how I wasn't properly briefed about the free photo booth and where the baggage counter was. The people at the front desk were supposed to inform me that the photo booth near the entrance was free. also, I've been listening to other groups of people as the hosts were giving instructions on where the baggage counter was and from what I heard, a lot of people, including me did not understand where exactly the counter was. Perhaps I was a bit too focused on studying everything going on. I don't know. But, I wish there were clearer instructions and information given as the event went on. There were other minor instruction and information problems as the event progressed.
3. Uninteresting Start: Once I saw the main room where we'll be "partying" and people barely interacted with each other. I saw a couple of groups that just sat there and stared the main screen that showed repeating advertisements. I'd have to say how I had a few yawns myself.
4. No Free Water: When the tickets were being sold, we were told that there would be free water. No free water was given, but a tea company whose name I failed to understand gave away free tea. The host said that it was supposed to help when trying to lose weight. It was an ideal drink if you are on diet. I was a bit intrigued and tried to get a cup.
5. One Dispenser: There was only one dispenser for the drinks. There were a lot of people. You do the math; the tea area was congested. There was no line. People tried to cut in everywhere. It was basically chaos. Also, the empty cups were beside the dispenser, which made things worse. People were grabbing and pushing everywhere. I really dislike such situations, but I didn't bring water. I was also really thirsty. From where I was, nothing was done to try and fix the situation. The people were left to fight over whose hand would be able to get tea first.
6. Overpriced Water: Once I got back to my seat, I found out water was being sold. Not only that, they were selling it for 30 pesos each. It's overpriced for a bottle of water. I would think they'd lower the price to try and compensate for the whole "free water" incident. I'd choose the cold water compared to the free tea though.
7. Missing Staff: The moment I went looking for a waiter, so I could buy a bottle, they were gone. I tried to look around, but they can't be found. I decided to roam around. I found two of them on the other side of the wall that surrounded the dance floor, having a nice chat. In my opinion, they should be roaming around, looking for people who'd like to buy something.
8. Lack of Brochures: I tried asking a lady situated in the front desk for a brochure. She called a young usherette to help me out. The usherette brought me beside the stage to ask for a brochure. The guy said that they didn't have one and to return later because he would have someone get one for me. I returned before I left the event and they still didn't have one. If I was a potential customer, they probably lost me.
Was I a bit harsh? I was just being frank. Let's move on to the pros.
1. Friendly Ushers: I wanted to take note of how friendly and accommodating the ushers were.
The girl wearing the blue skirt is the one who assisted me. I failed to ask her name, but whoever you are, Thank you.
2. Good Venue: The venue basically looked like a mix of a club and a dance studio. I wish I could have worn neon colored clothes. I wore black, grey and white. To my defense, it would be easier to hide my sweat. As I mentioned earlier, I had no idea how the event would go, especially since it was the first time I'd try Le Bran. The whole "party" while exercising was a bit foreign to me, but Le Bran did a great job in combining the two ideas.
3. Good Music: I have to point out how I liked the song choices. Their playlist was fun and upbeat without being too annoying for my taste. I listen to a lot of party music whenever I need to get a bit of energy and there were a lot of mixes that I've never heard of before. Did they have someone remix it? I don't know, but I like it.
4. Several Raffle Prizes: I like winning free stuff. Who doesn't? I never win at raffles, but they're a good way to keep the crowd quiet and listen to the winning numbers. They gave away Le Bran gift certificates and merchandise.
5. Superior Dancers: There were these amazing dancers who moved gracefully. I enjoyed watching them perform dances I could never do. I believe they had the technical skill on point. They were able to match the beat. I don't like watching people dance off-rhythm. I also noticed how most, if not all, displayed this confidence that just radiates a certain intensity.
6. Interesting Dances: Back when I tried Aerobic dancing, the moves were all pretty basic and you'd probably get bored pretty quick. I enjoyed the variety of dance styles they exhibited. Everyone would be able to find at least one dance style they'd like. I don't exactly have the best hand-feet coordination, but I was able to follow a lot of the dances they prepared.
7. Different Set of Dancers: I wanted to put this in a different number because I thought it was important to have different set of dancers every time they changed the dance style. It allowed the dancers to showcase their specialty and it would allow other dancers to rest and retain energy. I'd like to point out how I liked that they have dancers in the crowd. Not everyone would be able to see the stage clearly and it helped that we had people to follow nearby.
8. Short Water Breaks: It wasn't too short that we couldn't catch our breathes. It wasn't too long that I'd lose the energy and motivation to continue. I hated the long water breaks from aerobic dancing because I'd lose the adrenaline and feel tiredness creep into me.
9. Consistent Staff Energy: If I notice that the hosts and dancers start to get tired and talk with a little less energy, then I'd probably notice the same thing happen to me. You get what you give, and the staff were able to consistently fill the room with their energy. It worked out well. I left the event still pumping with adrenaline and music blaring in my ears.
10. It's for a Great Cause: LeBran has scholars. The money customers pay them, allows the company to support their scholars. I believe that education is very important and that every child should have the chance to go to school. Life is hard. It's even harder when you're financially unstable. I salute LeBran for this remarkable action.
Conclusion: Basically, I enjoyed it.
Do I recommend it? Yes I do. I had fun and exercised at the same time.
Will I go to another one of their events? 70% yes. I'd like to think they would work out the kinks next time. Also, I'm not sure when they'd have their next event and if I would be able to catch the news.
Will I go to their exercise sessions? Whenever I have the time, I would. They offer free sessions near the Makati City Hall.
Event: I hope they would be able to plan and organize the event better next time. The idea has a lot of potential, but it lacked proper execution.
Dance/Exercise: Keep doing what you're doing. I loved the dance routines.
Website: http://www.lebrandfx.com.ph/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LebranDFX
Twitter: @lebrandfx
Email: shapeup@lebrandfx.com.ph
Mobile: (+63) 917 502 4677
(+63) 917 655 5246
(+63) 916 401 1490

They didn't have brochures during the event, so they sent it to me via email.
I would like to thank Ms. Cadlum for taking the time to send me the brochures via email.
Note: If you noticed, the cons were all from the event organization. I have no qualms about the dance routines. I thought they were fun.
Event: Philippines Publisher: Unknown - 6:17 PM
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